Elementary School (K-5) Programs
Kindergarten through second grade programs are presented using a primary prevention approach, which involves teaching and encouraging welcoming behaviors to prevent bullying before it starts. While bullying is not the main concept discussed in the programs, strategies students can use to deal with a bully are presented. Third through fifth grade programs address conflict resolution strategies and the importance of bystanders in bullying situations.
Each student will receive a handout that reinforces key concepts explored through the program.
Length: 30 minutes
Students will participate in an introductory discussion on welcome and unwelcome behaviors. A storybook will be used to show young children how the choices they make affect the relationships they have with their peers. The story illustrates that poor choices negatively impact others, while good choices develop healthy friendships. Students will then explore the ways in which their choices affect the feelings of others. Finally, students will participate in an activity during which they identify kind behaviors that good friends demonstrate.
First Grade
Length: 45 minutes
Through discussion and story-telling, positive interactions that can lead to a safer school community are presented by demonstrating the impact a student's choice can have on classmates. Presenters reinforce that there is no such thing as a bad person, just a person who makes a bad choice. As a follow-up activity, students will listen to short scenarios and decide whether the children involved are making good or bad choices. A coloring activity will be completed as the scenarios are read.
Second Grade
Length: 45 minutes
After an introductory discussion on welcome and unwelcome behavior, students will listen to a story that focuses on friends while addressing stereotypes and gender bullying. Students will learn how their choices and actions affect others on a daily basis. In addition, they will discuss strategies for helping a friend who is getting hurt by another student. Following the story, students will participate in a game in which they actively respond to friends in need. As the students model friendly behavior, they will advance in the game.
Third Grade
Length: 45-60 minutes
Students will identify physical, visual, and verbal examples of bullying. Group discussion will explore why a person might make hurtful choices, as well as the significance of the reactions of both the victim and the bystanders. Students also learn effective strategies for dealing with bullying situations. Finally, students will practice the strategies while engaging in an interactive game.
Fourth Grade
Length: 45-60 minutes
Students will review the types of bullying addressed in previous years and will also consider new concepts such as gender, social, and cyber bullying. The game is the framework for discussion on a variety of topics, such as why a person chooses to bully, the role of bystanders in bullying situations, and strategies for anyone who is getting hurt by a bully. They will then participate in a role-play activity in which they can be active bystanders to prepare them for doing so in their everyday lives.
Fifth Grade
Length: 60 minutes
As students get older, it is important for them to understand the roots of bullying on our society. This program looks at Stereotypes and how individuals are targeted for being different or acting outside of the norm. Students break down stereotypes that they see and discuss how they can be active bystanders in addressing discrimination.
Note: Program content and activities can vary depending on the available time period
Child Safety programs consist of one session per classroom. Due to the sensitive nature of the subject, it is imperative that presenters have ample time to address all topics. Shortened presentations hinder discussion, do not adequately address needs, and do not address concerns of the students.
*Please leave time prior to dismissal for presenters to meet with students, beyond the listed length of the program..
Special Education/Life Skills
Length: 30 minutes
This program is designed for students with cognitive disabilities to address personal safety and child abuse in a concrete manner. Good touches and bad touches are discussed as well as the safety rules of tools of "Trust your Feelings, Try to Say No, Try to Walk Away, and Tell an Adult."
Length: 30 minutes
In a child friendly format, presenters will discuss safe and not safe through stories and role-playing. The program will stress to children their bodies belong to them and no one should ever touch them in a way that hurts them or makes them feel uncomfortable. The three safety tools of "Trust your Feelings, Try to Say No, Try to Walk Away, and Tell an Adult" are reinforced. Students also identify their "helper people," or those whom they could go to if they have a safety problem. A handout listing the safety rules is given to each child.
First Grade
Length: 45-60 minutes
The safety tools of "Trust your Feelings, Try to Say No, Try to Walk Away, and Tell an Adult" are reinforced and children are encouraged to use the rules with any problem they may have, including strangers and people they know. The concepts of safe touches and not safe touches are addressed in a fun and friendly format. Role-play activities and a book will be used to reinforce the message. Identifying safe adults to talk to when safety issues arise is discussed. A coloring handout is distributed to each student.
Second Grade
Length: 45-60 minutes
Safe Touches is a program developed by the New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children to prevent child sexual abuse and promote awareness among children. The workshop emphasizes the important messages that if a child has been touched inappropriately, it is never the child’s fault, and for children to keep telling about not-safe touches they have received until they are believed.
Colorful puppets and role-playing scenarios are used to help children identify the difference between safe and not-safe touches.
The goals of the program are to:
Teach children how to keep their bodies safe.
Recognize the difference between safe and not-safe touches.
Tell a trusted adult (such as a parent) if they have experienced a not-safe touch.
Third Grade
Length: 45-60 minutes
The concepts of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse will be introduced in a sensitive and age-appropriate manner through class discussion and a video. Students learn how to deal with everyday challenges at home and at school, as well as uncomfortable situations with strangers and adults they know. The tools for safety- tools of "Trust your Feelings, Try to Say No, Try to Walk Away, and Tell an Adult"- are once again discussed. Children will identify support people they can turn to in the event they have a concern. A handout will be given to help students generate their own list of safe adults.
Fourth Grade
Length: 45-60 minutes
Students will identify the three types of abuse (physical, emotional, and sexual) and explore potentially unsafe situations. Following a video presentation of sensitive and age-appropriate scenarios, students will be given the opportunity to ask questions and discuss the scenarios with the presenter. Students will identify the supportive adults in their lives and discuss ways to help a friend who may be in an unsafe situation. Finally, students will receive a handout with an activity helping them identify the feelings someone may experience in an abusive situations.
Fifth Grade
Length: 45-60 minutes
Presenters will begin with a brief overview of the three types of abuse so students with no prior experience with our safety programs can actively participate. A Jeopardy-style game is utilized to encourage learning, participation, and critical thinking. Students are divided into small groups and led through a structured activity which focuses on personal safety and on how to help a friend in an unsafe situation. Discussion serves to reinforce essential information. Using scenarios, students will practice safety planning and recognize feelings associated with abuse. Support people are identified and participants are given a handout on how to help a friend with an abuse problem.
Note: Program content and activities can vary depending on the available time period